Antisemitism, and why it keeps needing to be discussed

Via Gerard Vander Leun at On the Most Ancient Virus to Infect the Soul @ AMERICAN DIGEST ANTI-SEMITISM IS NOT A SIGN, A SYMBOL, A BULLET, OR A GAS, IT’S A VIRUS. It is the oldest known virus to attack the human soul. The existence of Israel masks the existence of the virus by renaming Continue reading Antisemitism, and why it keeps needing to be discussed

Yet another definition of Anti-Semitism

Would have put this in the “Words of One Syllable” section, but the words I’m coming up with for this have more than one syllable… The Corner on National Review Online You Want to Know What Anti-Semitism Is? [John Podhoretz]When Pat Buchanan calls Israel’s military action “un-Christian,” that’s anti-Semitism.