Cholent recipe

Got this cholent recipe from here…. Cholent ingredients: ================= 1 cup assorted dried beans, soaked in water; drain water afterwards 1/2 cup pearl barley 1 large onion, chopped 1 celery stalk, diced 2-3 carrots, sliced 6-8 potatoes, cubed 4 Zoglo (veggie) hot dogs, quartered (optional) Add water just to the surface The Sauce: ========== some Continue reading Cholent recipe

Words of One Syllable Dept.

Found via Seth Godin… ShardsO’Glass We now agree with the overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that eating glass freeze pops can be dangerous. Those who eat glass freeze pops are far more likely to develop shards-related ailments than those who don’t eat them.

Israeli Aid, Unreported

Copied over from Honest Reporting… Israeli Aid, Unreported All major media outlets ignore Israel’s massive humanitarian aid to South Asia – an indication of a national ethos of caring. When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, Israelis can be counted on to help. So it’s no surprise that within hours of the devastating tsunami in Continue reading Israeli Aid, Unreported